74-75 Idolaters will find their trust in idols vain.71-73 God manifest in his works of benevolence.69-70 Muhammad not a poet the Quran is the word of God.66-68 God deals with the wicked as he pleaseth.55-65 The rewards of the righteous and the punishment of the wicked.54 God’s judgment shall be according to works.49-53 The resurrection trumpet and the judgment-day shall surprise the unbelievers.47-48 They scoff at almsgiving and the resurrection.45-46 Unbelievers unmoved by either fear or the signs of the Quran.34-44 God’s power and goodness manifested by his works.31-33 The doctrine of the resurrection asserted and illustrated.30 The lessons of the past are forgotten.

29 Men generally reject God’s messengers.

One of the interpretations is "O human being!" referring to Muhammad since the verses that follow are translated as "By the Qur´an, full of Wisdom, Thou art indeed one of the messengers". The meaning of the letters Ya Sin, while being primarily unknown, is debated amongst Muslim religious academics. The surah begins with the eponymous ( muqatta'at) Arabic letters: يس ( yā sīn). While the surah begins in Juz' 22, most of it is in Juz' 23. Some scholars maintain that verse 12 is from the Medinan period. It is regarded an earlier " Meccan surah". Yā Sīn (also Yaseen Arabic: يٰسٓ, yāsīn the letters ' Yāʼ' and ' Sīn') is the 36th chapter of the Quran ( sūrah).